Over the past 21 years, I have had the privilege of serving with Medical Ministry International, an organization that provides eye care and surgery to underserved people in Third World countries. It is estimated that the prevalence of visual impairment and blindness is 285 million globally. Of this number, 80% of cases are preventable with proper care for cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, childhood strabismus, basic eye exams and prescription eyeglasses. I have travelled with MMI teams to Honduras, Ecuador, Jamaica, Myanmar, and Nagaland, India, as well as Colombia, the Amazon, and in 2018, Bolivia. Many of the people we treat, some of whom are cultural outcasts due to their eye condition or disease, either have no access to eye care or do not have the means to pay for it. This series is my attempt to represent the courage and dignity of these men, women, and children, many of whom have never experienced an alternative to blindness. Generations of families wait in lines from as early as 4am, grasping for any element of hope that their vision will be restored. Witnessing this is a compelling experience for our team members, and my intention with this collection is to create a sense of that experience.
20% of the purchase price of images from this collection will be donated to Medical Ministry International (MMI).